Personalising Approaches to Care

The best you

"Continuously valuing people for who they are"

Our aim at Circle Care Solutions is about achieving meaningful change for autistic people and those with mental health needs or learning disabilities.

Our experience

At myCCS we have a combination of over 40 years’ experience in healthcare working with both individuals as well as organisations who provide services to our sector. 

We have extensive experience with Learning Disabilities in various settings to include individuals within their own homes, psychiatric intensive care units, rehabilitation and nursing.

Whilst liaising with Community Multi-disciplinary teams, GP Clinics, Hospitals and most importantly families, we ensure the care services that we provide are not only at the optimum but integrated with other available opportunities to enhance personalisation for each and every individual. 


A phone call away

Improved opportunities for people whilst promoting positive behaviour support

With a combination of over 40 years of work in health and social care, our team focus on providing supported housing with ‘Care around the Clock’ to complement the NHS Transforming Care programme

Get in touch today

Contact us and one of our specialists will carry out an assessment with a view to a personalised support plan

We aim to increase well-being and quality of life for those we support by being both positive and proactive

“Support that aims to develop family relationships, friendships and community links whilst encouraging local communities to be inclusive of people with learning disabilities”

Joseph Sawyer